Iona Island WWTP Solids Handling Upgrade – Screening, Degritting and Thickening
Richmond, BC
Client: Metro Vancouver
Delivery Model: Design-Bid-Build
Prime Consultant: Jacobs
Value: $24 million
Completion: June 2017

Located in Richmond, British Columbia, this Solids Handling Upgrade required construction of a primary sludge screening and degritting facility, a primary sludge thickener and pump building, an odour control system, and other related work. Due to its proximity to the Fraser River, the project team has implemented several environmental protection measures throughout the construction period. The project also included: soil densification, dewatering, excavation, site services, building mechanical installations, electrical distribution, instrumentation, and controls systems. Interconnecting piping between the new and existing facilities mechanical, electrical, and other support systems were required. This included approximately 2 km of underground pipe varying in size up to 525mm diameter with numerous in service utility crossings, both under and over. Coordination with other contractors and plant operators was another critical element of the project work.